Friday, July 2, 2010

J'ai Ho!

THANK GOODNESS for Slumdog Millionaire and it's awesome soundtrack! I was about two miles into my run when my relentless brain kept chanting "You're so thirsty! You need water! Stop and re-group! You're so thirsty!...". I almost gave in and surrendered to the weakness ringing in my ears, but then the song "J'ai Ho" came on and saved my run! There's something about that beat and the energy that makes walking inexcusable while listening...So, I made it home on running legs only! And this is the farthest I've ever run on my Vibrams - only 3.5 or 4 miles, but still, whooooooooooooptie!

As for food? It's only 3:30 in the afternoon and I've already maxed out my whole-grain allowance for the day with a piece of organic whole grain toast for breakfast, a Kashi granola bar for snack, and a tuna sandwich on whole wheat foccacia for lunch. I did also have a carrot at some point, but I think I owe this tired body a nice big salad for dinner. Hold the heavy dressings, cheeses, or any breaded/fried toppings please, just give me the good stuff!

Until next time, VIVA BENE...and J'ai Ho!!!! (I'm still not sure what that means, but it must be something great!)

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